Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Play dates on wheels

    After dropping Ava off at preschool we had a little playdate via the bike. Luke's got to bring a friend for our ride. We saw ducks, got a muffin, and went to story time at the library and got to Avas school in time to pick her up and drop of Sammy (lukes BF).  Now I need to figure out how to haul more than two kids around. I need a cargo bike.
  If you've read some of my previous posts you'll notice I'm interested in a box-bike (carries the kids in front) but I have yet to find one the is right for me (plus they are $$$$). I just so happen to have an engineer for a brother who just so happens to build bamboo bikes and just so happens to hold workshops to teach people to build bamboo bikes So I was lucky enough to go for a visit to their Brooklyn workshop to learn to build a bike. Together with Marty and his parteners we are going to engineer and build a bamboo cargo bike! I'll post more on our adventure later. Building my own bike frame was an amazing experience and if you get lucky enough to get a chance (even if your brother isn't the owner) I highly reccomend it. Check out my future posts for more on the trip.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Slowing down.

We're still not commuting full time on our bike yet, but we are making a conscience effort to use the bike as much as possible. I've really been struggling with what we can and cannot accomplish on the days we use the bike. We never seem to be able to fit everything in.
Then a day like today happens, and I realize that not fitting everything in may be the point.  We had a great day doing nothing but playing in our garden, walking in town, feeding ducks, and biking around. It was slow, we were by ourselves, and it was beautiful. It helps that we live in a truly amazing town (something I often forget).
So while we may not be biking all the time (I goal I still hope to achieve), we are enjoying our journey.